Protection warrior DPS, 7.1.5

Since the changes in 7.1.5 warriors have seen a huge boost to their damage, unfortunately it is also getting nerfed come Jan. 17. I’ve been rummaging around in logs to to see what others are doing. I’ve also been playing around with different stat combos, specifically a haste crit build. Keep in mind with them heavily nerfing Tclap/revenge this is probably going to change a little.

In the Prot warrior Discord Grafarion of Sargeras (Tank of Midwinter) gear was being discussed with some controversy. He currently has 23.13% crit and 19.95% haste on his armory. Now this could be for different reasons, but guessing from his neck enchant, Mark of the Claw, Legendarys, and trinkets I’d guess hes using them for aoe damage in dungeons etc. (Legendary Belt and Sephuz’s ring)

Also looking over at Warcraft Logs for Prot DPS in Mythic EN we can see Marok of Mannoroth with a overall #1 allstar ranking, this means he has the highest average ranking over all fights in EN . He’s using Anger Management along with the Legendary belt, getting insane cooldown reduction on Demo Shout. None of his parses are #1 but hes very consistently in the top 10, and he’s also one of a few trying this spec out at the moment.

I’ve been theorycrafting a bit since the ptr dropped. After discovering the Cooldown reduction even without the belt using Anger Management I began to experiment with different builds. Current Theory I have is using the Haste+crit build with Anger Management. What this would do is give you slightly more free revenge procs, now why is this good? With the current amount of extra rage from Devastator even if your spamming revenge you will rage cap. So a free proc at high pooled rage means you can safely use Ignore Pain without worrying about running out of rage for your next revenge. With Anger Management this means you will push your Cooldowns even farther, meaning more uptime with Battle Cry and Demo Shout. Having the Gloves for more rage helps as well as the Legendary belt. (even more so in dungeons)

Just fooling around on a tank dummy in the order hall I actually got Renewed Fury+Devestator+Booming Voice+ Anger Management, focusing on ~100% uptime of the Fury buff, to be the highest dps over 3minutes VS Avatar and Heavy repercussions. With the current damage of revenge any sort of cleave fights this will be a clear winner… Keep in mind though the 100% uptime on Renewed Fury is somewhat difficult and Avatar+potion of old War is probably a bit higher anyways. Keep in mind this is NOT simC and NOT at all concrete, just some experimentation.

I was using the Legendary Gloves+Prydas, with mark of the Claw enchant. Current Stats:21.4% crit 28.94% haste, 33.73% mastery, 2.43& Vers.

7.1.5 Log analysis, a one day retrospective

I’m here to share the statistics for the first day of mythic raiding in 7.1.5!
I’m sure these statistics and rankings will fluctuate over the next week,
and don’t forget about Nighthold tier also changing things up in the future.
I’m going to be analyzing Mythic Ursoc, as well as overall statistics using
both the 75% ranking bracket on for Dps and Tanks.

Dps for Mythic Overall, 75th percentile (Live standings)


As you can see Shadow Priests have a solid lead in the overall standings.

DPS for Mythic Ursoc, 75th Percentile (Live Standings)


With Myhtic Ursoc we get a better idea of Single target dps. There is an add, but its spawn is consistent, this makes it better for analysis then some of the more cleave heavy fights in EN. I’d prefer to use Mythic Guarm but at the moment some specs only have 60 parses.

Hunters, over the last day, don’t seem to be performing too well. If you look at the 100 percentile you’ll see Survival in dead last, also you’ll see Shadow Priest still with a solid lead, followed by Retribution Paladins and Affliction Warlocks.

Looking at overall rankings for mythic Ursoc for today (Live standings) we have a Shadow Priest, Itsnotmiller, with a top parse of 830,908 damage per second. Itsnotmiller has a 890 ilvl, a 911 ilvl and 54point artifact. In second we have Ret Paladin Ellanioway with a 805,752 parse. Ellanioway has a 891 ilvl and a 914 ilvl/ 51 point artifact. In third we have a Arms warrior Chiregodx with a 786,171 parse, 888 ilvl and a 917 ilvl/ 54 point artifact.

Tank dps for Mythic Overall, 75th percentile (Live standings)


Tank dps for Mythic Ursoc, 75th percentile (Live Standings)


Keep in mind there are obviously a bit less parses for tanks, but at the moment Protection Warriors seem to be on top! There are far fewer Demon Hunter and Monk parses then the other classes, but as few as the Monks are they seem to be doing alright.

I’m excited to see the standings in a week, and to see how things are when Nighthold opens! What do you think will get buffed or nerfed?

Pre-patch testing

Doing a little fooling around on some target Dummies in the pre-patch and I’m finding out some interesting things. Testing out two different builds, crit and haste. With my ~40% crit build I’m getting 66.7% uptime on Shield block using Heavy repercussions (I’m using a rotation that ignores revenge if shield block is up to get in as many devastates as possible to reset the CD on Shield Slam.) With the ~40% Haste build I’m getting 90%+ uptime on shield block, had a few 2min trials where it was up 100% of the time. In Legion the artifact weapon greatly enhances Ignore pain so I’m thinking that a large uptime on Shield block will not be as important, but who knows I’m not in the beta.

Also I tested out anger management with the two builds. Had Shield wall down to 3 minutes and 5 seconds with the crit build and 2 minutes and 30 seconds with the haste build! With this info and the testing from Heavy Repercussions I’m thinking that haste will be our best stat, at least for pre-patch. Also interesting to note that unlike in WoD Anger Management only reduces your CD’s based on the actual rage spent, where as in WoD it was the base cost of the ability. ( i.e. if you got a sudden death proc anger management would think you spent 30 rage on execute where in actuality it was free) This means that the talents Vengeance and Ultimatum do NOT let you cheese Anger Management.

I’ll try be posting some more info and also test and see if I can get combat logging to work to upload my testing for all to look at.

Also a weird interaction with leech and Inspiring Presence: Inspiring Presence counts as healing you do so any leech you have will heal you based on the healing from your party members. I had 2% leech on my gear and the healing target dummy does damage to itself around 1.5mill and it’s healing for 3% from my Inspiring Presence which in turn gave me 30k hps from my 2% leech. I’m thinking with enough leech your raid my actually give you signifigent healing, also keep in mind some of the Legion tanking trinkets have leech built into them.

New alpha build!

A new Alpha build came out recently and we’re seeing the results of the new data mining. Here’s a link to our new talents:… You’ll notice overpower has been replaced with Ultimatum(very similar to the current passive), and imposing roar with Inspiring presence, a new raid wide buff (within 60yards) that gives all players 3% leech.

Here’s the link to the artifact weapon calculator:… Notice that Shadowflame Shield is now a 3 second channel on a 45 second cooldown.

Ignore pain confirmation

“Ignore Pain ignores 90% of the next X damage you take, from any sources. It lasts until you take a total of X damage.”

It says in the class preview that it is based on maximum health. Basicly I see this as an absorb, similar to barrier but much more in line with the flavor of the class. I’m curious as to how long the buff actually lasts for, 6 seconds like barrier I assume.

Warrior Legion preview

If you haven’t seen it yet the Warrior preview is out!

Quick look: we will now gain rage from taking damage again, Mastery seems unchanged, Barrier is getting replaced with a new active mitigation (supposedly our new main rage spender) and revenge will be a frontal cone/cleave.

My analysis to come, I might even put up a video…