7.1.5 Log analysis, a one day retrospective

I’m here to share the statistics for the first day of mythic raiding in 7.1.5!
I’m sure these statistics and rankings will fluctuate over the next week,
and don’t forget about Nighthold tier also changing things up in the future.
I’m going to be analyzing Mythic Ursoc, as well as overall statistics using
both the 75% ranking bracket on Warcraftlogs.com for Dps and Tanks.

Dps for Mythic Overall, 75th percentile (Live standings)


As you can see Shadow Priests have a solid lead in the overall standings.

DPS for Mythic Ursoc, 75th Percentile (Live Standings)


With Myhtic Ursoc we get a better idea of Single target dps. There is an add, but its spawn is consistent, this makes it better for analysis then some of the more cleave heavy fights in EN. I’d prefer to use Mythic Guarm but at the moment some specs only have 60 parses.

Hunters, over the last day, don’t seem to be performing too well. If you look at the 100 percentile you’ll see Survival in dead last, also you’ll see Shadow Priest still with a solid lead, followed by Retribution Paladins and Affliction Warlocks.

Looking at overall rankings for mythic Ursoc for today (Live standings) we have a Shadow Priest, Itsnotmiller, with a top parse of 830,908 damage per second. Itsnotmiller has a 890 ilvl, a 911 ilvl and 54point artifact. In second we have Ret Paladin Ellanioway with a 805,752 parse. Ellanioway has a 891 ilvl and a 914 ilvl/ 51 point artifact. In third we have a Arms warrior Chiregodx with a 786,171 parse, 888 ilvl and a 917 ilvl/ 54 point artifact.

Tank dps for Mythic Overall, 75th percentile (Live standings)


Tank dps for Mythic Ursoc, 75th percentile (Live Standings)


Keep in mind there are obviously a bit less parses for tanks, but at the moment Protection Warriors seem to be on top! There are far fewer Demon Hunter and Monk parses then the other classes, but as few as the Monks are they seem to be doing alright.

I’m excited to see the standings in a week, and to see how things are when Nighthold opens! What do you think will get buffed or nerfed?

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